Strategic business consulting for the railway and logistics industry

SCI Verkehr is a medium-sized, sustainability-oriented consultancy focussing on strategic issues in the international rail and logistics business. We support our business partners in optimising their processes and evaluating their assets. We help to analyse markets and develop sustainable and tailor-made strategies for the future. This includes, among other things: Accompanying M&A activities, realising climate targets, optimising the portfolio or existing processes, and opening up new markets and business areas.

Strategic Management Consultancy Examples

CDD of a railway undertaking

Customer: Financial investor

SCI supports a financial investor in the investment decision on the purchase of a rail transport company with an innovative concept for the transport of semi-trailers by rail. Supply, demand and competition are analysed and the business plan is reviewed. By means of expert interviews and market assessments, SCI determines the opportunities and risks of the target and proposes an alternative business plan in several scenarios.

Target Screening

Customer: Asian railway technology company

On behalf of an Asian railway technology company, SCI Verkehr is searching for a suitable target in Europe in order to enable a successful market entry.

Support for strategic planning


On behalf of a vehicle manufacturer, SCI Verkehr supported the strategic planning. This included market analytic figures and a competitive overview in various regions.

Market Analyses Examples

Annual update of market figures on the European components market

Customer: component manufacturer

SCI Verkehr supports a component manufacturer in the chassis/drivetrain sector with an annual update on the European vehicle market and the expected sales of relevant components.

Market development and forecast in passenger vehicle segment

Customer: Subsystem supplier

As a basis for expanding its business division "railway technology" an international subsystem supplier commissioned SCI Verkehr to provide an analysis and forecast of various market segments for passenger vehicles. We performed an analysis of procurements in recent years and a forecast of the market development until 2011. Furthermore, we outlined to the client the developments in individual vehicle segments and regionally specific characteristics.

Analysis of rail freight transport corridors and demand for locomotives

Customer: Refinancing credit institution

On behalf of a refinancing bank, SCI Verkehr determined the utilization and capacities of international infrastructure corridors as well as supply and demand for modern multi-system locomotives. In addition, SCI Verkehr carried out a valuation of the secondary market for these vehicles.

Asset Valuations Examples

Assessment of a rolling stock portfolio

Customer: Leasing company

On behalf of an investor, already active in rail vehicle leasing, SCI Verkehr carried out a regular analysis of the expected leasing income of the entire vehicle portfolio. Depending on the fleet structure and the expected market demand, leasing income and downtimes of the vehicles were evaluated, which served as the basis for evaluating earnings opportunities and preparing a business plan.

Asset assessment modernised railcar fleet

Customer: National credit institute

On behalf of a credit institute, SCI Verkehr determines fair value and future value-over-time of a railcar fleet in Germany. Valuation is conducted by means of the cost-based DRC method. An essential aspect of valuation is the effect of refurbishment measures on the vehicle value.

Valuation of overhead line construction machine

Customer: Financial institute

For a financial institution, SCI Verkehr evaluated the market-side performance of a catenary construction machine.

Public Consulting Examples

Preparation of bidding documents for tenders in Germany

Customer: Local rail transport operator

SCI Verkehr supported a private railway company in the strategic and operational preparation of a bid for transport services in Germany. The aim is to submit an attractive, innovative and cost-efficient offer for rail services, on the basis of which the client will be successful in the competition for the transport service contract. SCI Verkehr performed the conceptual and technical planning, the editorial preparation and operational and organisational support.

Extension of a port terminal

Customer: Port Company

A terminal for combined transport in a German domestic port was to be rehabilitated and extended. SCI Verkehr prepared the application for public funding. The need for the measure was justified, competition to other terminals and economic efficiency analysed. In addition, SCI Verkehr attended the following procedure of approval and allocation of public funding.

Profitability Analyses Examples

Benchmark for maintenance of freight wagons


On behalf of an investor, SCI Verkehr prepared a comprehensive market analysis for the maintenance of freight wagons. This included a review of the basic principles of maintenance, an analysis of the main trends and drivers in the market, an explanation of new technological developments and an overview of maintenance companies and their locations. A focus of the analyses was also the benchmarking of prices of maintenance periods for different wagon types and components, as well as their development.

Profitability audit vehicle procurement

Customer: Transport authority

SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a transport authority in the context of a procurement of new urban transport vehicles. To this end, SCI Verkehr evaluated the tender documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine market prices for metro vehicles and e-buses.

Process optimisations Examples

Optimization of logistical and transport costs

Customer: Industrial company

In the context of European production location integration into the worldwide logistics concept, storage and transport processes are adapted; benchmarking of service providers.

Future workshop logistics

Customer: Global player in the food industry

The works committee and logistics management of a global player in the food industry intended to initiate an open dialogue about the future optimisation of logistical processes with external support. By conducting talks with both sides, SCI Verkehr prepared the dialogue, hosted the meetings of a joint working group and provided specialist input with the aim of developing a common perception of the logistical future of the company.

Supporting the joint works council in site changes

Customer: Global player in the food industry

Against the background of changing markets, production volumes and internal logistical flows, a short-term need for a reaction and restructuring arose for a leading company in the food industry, especially with regard to its site structure. SCI Verkehr GmbH supported the employee representatives as a professional expert in close consultation with management. The individual proposals for change were reviewed conceptually and carried out on site.