SCI Verkehr is a medium-sized, sustainability-oriented consultancy focussing on strategic issues in the international rail and logistics business. We support our business partners in optimising their processes and evaluating their assets. We help to analyse markets and develop sustainable and tailor-made strategies for the future. This includes, among other things: Accompanying M&A activities, realising climate targets, optimising the portfolio or existing processes, and opening up new markets and business areas.

Strategic Management Consultancy Examples

New conception and continuation of the "Logistics State Initiative of North Rhine Westphalia"

Customer: Ministry of Economics and Labor of the State of NRW

Based on the work of the state's initiative in logistics during the first 3 years, the task now is to press ahead with the work started and provide new impulses in support of the logistics sector in North Rhine Westphalia

Supporting the restructuring of a leading European rail freight company

Customer: European rail freight company

A leading European rail freight company has to reorganize itself completely in terms of profitability, efficiency and reliability. SCI Verkehr was commissioned to support the restructuring process actively and to bring in expertise in railway operation, processes and strategy. Focus is also put on close involvement in terms of co-determination.

VDD Support Rolling Stock Lessor


SCI Verkehr supported the sales process of a rail vehicle leasing company, and prepared a comprehensive market and valuation report. For this purpose, SCI Verkehr forecasted the development of future transport markets and the demand for rail vehicle leasing. In addition, the DCF valuation method was applied.

Market Analyses Examples

Market Analysis Universal Locomotives


SCI Verkehr supported a leasing company for rail vehicles with market and fleet data in its strategic decision to invest in universal locomotives for Continental Europe. In the course of this, SCI Verkehr also analysed the development of the ETCS rollout in defined focus countries and also provided information on environmental and sustainability aspects of the locomotives in a Q&A session.

Global rolling stock fleet data

Customer: Industrial company

On behalf of an industrial group, SCI Verkehr provides data on global rolling stock fleets to be integrated into the clients database, which is utilised with regard to the component aftermarket, in particular.

Benchmark for maintenance of freight wagons


On behalf of an investor, SCI Verkehr prepared a comprehensive market analysis for the maintenance of freight wagons. This included a review of the basic principles of maintenance, an analysis of the main trends and drivers in the market, an explanation of new technological developments and an overview of maintenance companies and their locations. A focus of the analyses was also the benchmarking of prices of maintenance periods for different wagon types and components, as well as their development.

Asset Valuations Examples

Annual valuation update for locomotive portfolio

Customer: European locomotive lessor

On behalf of a major European locomotive lessor, SCI Verkehr evaluated the company 's current fleet using the income-based DCF method and the cost-based DRC method. The focus of the valuation was on analysing the long-term development of supply and demand in national transport markets and on international corridors.

Valuation of used shunting locomotives

Customer: Rail transport company

On behalf of an operator, SCI Verkehr evaluated a fleet of shunting locomotives for France. The value assessment of these vehicles was based on the cost-based DRC assessment approach, and considered the results of a supply and demand analysis.

Value analysis of used DMUs

Customer: International financing company

For an international financing company SCI Verkehr analysed the current vehicle value and future value development of used DMUs. The examination was carried out using an analysis of future tenders in the German commuter transport market.

Public Consulting Examples

Preparation of bidding documents for tenders in Germany

Customer: Local rail transport operator

SCI Verkehr supported a private railway company in the strategic and operational preparation of a bid for transport services in Germany. The aim is to submit an attractive, innovative and cost-efficient offer for rail services, on the basis of which the client will be successful in the competition for the transport service contract. SCI Verkehr performed the conceptual and technical planning, the editorial preparation and operational and organisational support.

Development of an industrial main track


A German municipality is in possession of extensive track facilities at a local industrial area (industrial main track). This infrastructure has not been used for freight services for many years. In the meantime, an investment backlog has arisen, and the track systems are currently not usable. In order to support a council decision on further action, SCI Verkehr is to examine the prospects of the industrial main track.

Logistical site expertise for an administrative district

Customer: Economic development agency

For the purpose of establishing expertise as a basis for site marketing in the logistics sector, data and facts on the site were collected and processed and competitive analyses were carried out with other regions. In addition to information already known, SCI Verkehr processed the average transport prices for six selected example routes and verified these in discussions with local logistics companies. The further processing of statistical indicators such as the labour market/skilled personnel, structure of the distribution of commercial industry in the administrative district, existing networks and procurement markets for industry and trade ultimately led to a derivation of the logistical marketing strategy.

Profitability Analyses Examples

Support for a liquidation process

Customer: Asset appraiser

SCI Verkehr supports a liquidation process of a freight wagon fleet in Eastern Europe. It analyses the economic feasibility of the process and checks the plausibility of costs in different scenarios.

Economic feasibility study for factory fleet


SCI Verkehr was commissioned to examine the economic viability of a large fleet of factory vehicles for the distribution of an industrial company. To this end, scenarios were developed as to how general conditions would have to change in order to increase the profitability of the fleet.

Process optimisations Examples

Compilation of a bid for short-distance passenger transport in northern Germany

Customer: Railway transport company

A railway transport company is submitting a bid for a transport tender in northern Germany with the aim of making an attractive, innovative and cost-efficient offer for railway transport. The main contents include conception and technical support, editorial support as well as operative and organisational support.