Profitability Analyses

We assist our clients in preparing and assessing bids for commuter rail services, operating concepts, product benchmarks and product concepts as well as performing feasibility investigations

Project examples

  • Review of the pricing strategy of a leasing company

    Customer: European leasing company

    On behalf of a European leasing company, SCI Verkehr analysed its internal pricing strategy. In this context, SCI Verkehr analysed CAPEX, OPEX and financing conditions.

  • Price analysis of locomotives on the basis of indexing

    Customer: Lessor

    SCI Verkehr has analyzed the development of locomotive prices from order to delivery. In particular, existing contractual provisions on the indexation of purchase prices were taken into account.

  • Profitability audit e-bus procurement

    Customer: Transport authority

    SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a transport authority in the context of a procurement of new urban transport vehicles. To this purpose, SCI Verkehr evaluated the tender documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine standard market prices for e-buses and their charging infrastructure.

  • Commercial due diligence of an European Rail Freight Operator

    Customer: Infrastructure fund

    SCI Verkehr supported a potential investor with the analysis of a rail freight operator active in the intermodal segment. SCI Verkehr developed an outside-in business plan based on public information as well as in-house expertise about this business. SCI Verkehr provided detailed assumptions and parameters for three business divisions: container transport (rail and road), intermodal terminal operations (internal and external) as well as fleet management (locomotive and freight wagons)

  • Maintenance costs passenger coaches

    Customer: Leasing company

    SCI Verkehr has determined maintenance costs for passenger coaches as input for a business plan for a young leasing company. For this purpose, the life cycle costs for different wagon types and operating scenarios were calculated.

  • Workshop ECM Market

    Customer: Maintenance company

    SCI Verkehr has carried out a workshop on ECM services with a leading maintenance company for rail vehicles. Different business models were discussed and the company´s business plan was reviewed.

  • Feasibility study on alternative drives

    Customer: Public transport authority

    SCI Verkehr was commissioned by a public transport authority to prepare a feasibility study on the planned use of alternatively powered rail vehicles. The focus of the analyses was on the economic feasibility of hydrogen and battery-powered trains in terms of operation, energy and infrastructure. A life cycle cost (LCC) model from SCI was applied. The aim of the study was to determine the economically and operationally optimal drive technologies against the background of the existing and future infrastructure of various networks, for example with regard to charging and refuelling processes.

  • Profitability analysis metro procurement

    Customer: Public Transport Authority

    SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a public transport authority in the context of a procurement of new urban transport vehicles. For this purpose, SCI Verkehr evaluated the bid documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine the usual market prices of metro vehicles.

  • Economic analysis of a rail freight company

    Customer: Private rail freight company 

    On behalf of a transport company, SCI Verkehr carried out an analysis of measures to improve the profitability of their business areas. For this purpose, the measures and the general company's positioning in the German rail freight market were examined.

  • Cash flow model for a leasing company

    Customer: Financial institution

    SCI Verkehr developed a cash flow model for a financial institution for a European leasing company. The model calculates the companys expected profits until 2030 under market-realistic assumptions. It also calculates ratios such as loan-to-value and debt service coverage ratio based on a valuation of the fleet.

  • Support CDD to an Intermodal Terminal

    Customer: strategic investor

    SCI Verkehr supported a strategic investor in its commercial due diligence on an intermodal terminal (rail-road) in Germany. This involved accompanying the development of the investor's valuation approach, assessing operational benefits/opportunities and analysing development potential.

  • VDD in the intermodal transport segment

    Customer: Railway undertaking company

    SCI Verkehr has supported a rail undertaking in the intermodal transport segment at a VDD process. SCI Verkehr has prepared documents for the data room regarding market definition, size and development, including forecast and drivers of the market. Thereby it considered also regulations, innovations and competition. SCI Verkehr has analysed the business model of the client and prepared basic information such as KPI that were relevant for the process.

  • Due diligence on an investment in alternative propulsion systems for rail vehicles

    Customer: Strategic investor

    SCI Verkehr supports an investor in the preparation of a CDD on an investment opportunity in an alternative propulsion technology for rail vehicles. Specific target markets are analysed, procurement criteria of the end customers are evaluated and the business plan is assessed and adapted together with the client.

  • Structural measures at a food company

    Customer: food / logistics company

    SCI Verkehr assists the works council of a large food / logistics company in the assessment and analysis of structural measures by the company and supports the development of alternative (logistics) concepts.

  • Ongoing strategic advice to a logistics service provider on the development of rail products

    Customer: Logistics Group

    On the basis of its own preliminary studies, SCI Verkehr, together with partners, is supporting a globally active logistics group in the development of its own rail strategy. The activities take place within the framework of the implementation of the group's CO2 targets. Internal quantities are analysed and concrete strategic approaches to shifting are developed.

  • Marketability of a product innovation

    Customer: Service provider

    On behalf of a client, SCI Verkehr is analysing the marketability of an innovation for rail freight transport. The product is still in the development stage - therefore the willingness to pay of potential customers and the economic viability of the development are to be checked at an early stage.

  • Market value analysis freight wagons

    Customer: Freight wagon manufacturer

    SCI Verkehr advises a manufacturer of innovative freight wagons on the acquisition of financing models with the analysis of potential market value trends.

  • Market value analysis freight wagons

    Customer: Freight wagon manufacturer

    SCI Verkehr advised a manufacturer of innovative freight wagons on the acquisition of financing models with the analysis of potential market value trends.

  • Evaluation of different effects of Digital Automatic Coupling (DAK) on the performance of rail freight traffic

    Customer: Railway undertaking

    On behalf of a railway undertaking, SCI Verkehr is analysing the effects of the introduction of Digital Automatic Coupling (DAK) on the performance of rail freight transport. As part of a meta-study, SCI Verkehr summarises the results of various studies on the DAK and its effects in line and shunting operations and evaluates them with regard to an increase in capacity after the successful migration of the DAK after 2030.

  • Strategic advice to a logistics service provider on the development of rail products

    Customer:  Logistics Group 

    Together with partners, SCI Verkehr is supporting a globally active logistics group in the strategic reorientation of its transports towards more rail transport. The activities are taking place in the context of implementing the group's CO2 targets. In the process, the relevant transport markets are analysed and, as a result, options are examined, e.g. for the development of own capacities, partnerships or acquisitions.

  • Profitability audit LRV procurement

    Customer: Transport authority

    SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a transport authority in the context of a procurement of new light rail vehicles (LRV). To this end, SCI Verkehr evaluated the tender documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine market prices for LRV.

  • Market potentials and vehicle concepts for intercity transport in Europe

    Customer: Financial investor

    On behalf of an investor, SCI Verkehr is analysing the market potential for (cross-border) intercity connections in Europe. In addition to evaluating routes with regard to a possible shift of short-haul flights to rail, SCI Verkehr also compares possible vehicle concepts with regard to their investment costs and performance parameters.

  • Support for a liquidation process

    Customer: Asset appraiser

    SCI Verkehr supports a liquidation process of a freight wagon fleet in Eastern Europe. It analyses the economic feasibility of the process and checks the plausibility of costs in different scenarios.

  • Strategic approaches for the after-market business in components


    SCI Verkehr analysed various KPIs for the maintenance and repair of vehicles and the overhaul and reconditioning of components for a supplier. For individual components and markets, a more in-depth analysis of the profitability of the segment was carried out, to derive strategic approaches for the design of the business field in Europe.

  • Support for the restructuring of a vehicle fleet

    Customer: Global player in the beverage industry

    A leading company in beverage logistics operates its own large fleet of trucks. In order to increase the efficiency of the fleet, SCI Verkehr presented an analysis of the most important positive drivers as a first step. The second step was to change the most important basic conditions in terms of profitability.

  • Profitability audit vehicle procurement

    Customer: Transport authority

    SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a transport authority in the context of a procurement of new urban transport vehicles. To this end, SCI Verkehr evaluated the tender documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine market prices for metro vehicles and e-buses.

  • Investment calculation railroad technology/infrastructure


    SCI Verkehr carried out an investment and profitability calculation for a service provider operating in the rail sector. This related to an investment in track and hall infrastructure as well as railroad engineering equipment. The profitability analysis was carried out for the investment and operation over 30 years.

  • Multiple Unit OEM and after-sales benchmark

    Customer: European rail vehicle manufacturer

    On behalf of a European vehicle manufacturer, SCI Verkehr analysed and benchmarked procurement and after-sales costs for multiple unit train types operated in European country markets.

  • Z-SGV funding project WILSON LEARN

    Customer: Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

    In the Z-SGV project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, WILSON LEARN, a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"machine learning\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" algorithm is to be optimised and tested that generates valid real-time proposals for efficient, operational staff scheduling in rail freight transport. SCI Verkehr is responsible for evaluating the cost-effectiveness and usability of the solution for rail freight transport in the project. Other project partners are Menlo79 GmbH, Havelländische Eisenbahn AG and Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin.

  • Support for reorganising industrial processes


    The German subsidiary of a global beverage company wanted to reorganise its structures in the fields of administration, sales, logistics and vending. SCI Verkehr was commissioned to examine and further develop the documents and scenarios that had been prepared. In addition, SCI Verkehr accompanied negotiations with the employee representatives, and prepared content for the negotiations.

  • Market study on freight wagon leasing


    SCI Verkehr supported a newly-founded leasing company by preparing a market study and analysing standard market input parameters for a business plan.

  • Benchmark for maintenance of freight wagons


    On behalf of an investor, SCI Verkehr prepared a comprehensive market analysis for the maintenance of freight wagons. This included a review of the basic principles of maintenance, an analysis of the main trends and drivers in the market, an explanation of new technological developments and an overview of maintenance companies and their locations. A focus of the analyses was also the benchmarking of prices of maintenance periods for different wagon types and components, as well as their development.

  • Economic feasibility study for factory fleet


    SCI Verkehr was commissioned to examine the economic viability of a large fleet of factory vehicles for the distribution of an industrial company. To this end, scenarios were developed as to how general conditions would have to change in order to increase the profitability of the fleet.

  • Innovative drives for rail vehicles

    Customer: Federal Ministry of Transport

    On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport, SCI Verkehr investigated the applicability of innovative drives for rail vehicles that run on non-electrified lines. In addition to economic efficiency, changes relevant to the environment (e.g. emission reduction) were also evaluated.

  • Evaluation business plan leasing company

    Customer: Financial investor

    SCI Verkehr critically examined the business plan of a leasing company in the run-up to a possible due diligence. The focus was on the evaluation of the current portfolio and the management's assumptions regarding growth potential. For this purpose, a benchmark of current and expected future leasing rates and the occupancy rate was also carried out.

  • Further development of a rail infrastructure manager’s business model

    Customer: Rail infrastructure manager

    A public rail infrastructure manager (terminal and tracks) envisages further business development and better financial positioning. SCI Verkehr was commissioned to submit an application on increasing track fees - based on an in depth status analysis - to the federal railway authority on behalf of the company.

  • Market entry strategy passenger transport market

    Customer: European railway company

    On behalf of a railway transport company, SCI Verkehr prepares a growth strategy for the European market. In this context, specific potentials for the company in terms of PSO contracts as well as in open access are assessed with regards to feasibility and economic efficiency. All parts of value creation through transport services are considered. As a result, SCI Verkehr outlined different scenarios of market entry.

  • Intercompany railway concept

    Customer: Logistics company

    SCI Verkehr supports an automobile manufacturer in preparing a rail transport concept for two plants in different European countries. The final results include a business plan, route analysis, rolling stock recommendations, selection of rail freight operators, feasibility of creating an own operator, and an overview of loading and unloading processes.

  • Strategic concept freight wagon division

    Customer: Railway operator

    SCI Verkehr supports a leading railway operator in the conceptual reorganisation of essential parts of rail freight transport. For this purpose, available concepts are reviewed and new approaches to advancing this field of business are developed and evaluated. It is aimed at achieving higher efficiency in this segment by reorganising responsibilities and processes in production and sales.

  • Market overview test centre

    Customer: Test organisation

    On behalf of a company, which inspects rolling stock, SCI Verkehr analyses the demand for tests and examinations as well as the current competitive situation. Foci of the project include type tests, approval procedures as well as commissioning tests in test centres.

  • Commercial Due Diligence of bus manufacturer

    Customer: Financial investor

    On behalf of a financial investor, SCI Verkehr conducted a commercial due diligence on a globally active bus manufacturer. Focus was put on the analysis of future development potential of the core markets as well as the future expected competitive situation of the target. Moreover, a business plan entailing the assumptions of the management regarding the target´s development opportunities was examined.

  • Strategy development own fleet

    Customer: Global player in the beverage industry

    A global player in the beverage industry operates its own truck fleet in order to distribute its products in Germany. SCI Verkehr was commissioned to develop a strategy for the fleet´s further development, taking into account external influences (e.g. transport market) as well as internal structures. The process was closely coordinated with the customer and employee representatives and a joint implementation process was agreed upon.

  • Supporting change processes and personnel planning of a rail freight transport company

    Customer: Rail freight transport company

    A leading provider of rail freight transport services is planning to reorganise its customer support according to market requirements. SCI Verkehr was commissioned to evaluate envisaged and partly already implemented measures and to support coordinating personnel planning in terms of participation .

  • Supporting changes in a production company

    Customer: Global player in the food industry

    In the context of restructuring, a global enterprise in the food industry intends to close a logistics site and several production sites in Germany as well as to reorganise further core departments. SCI Verkehr surveys the plans and supports the process of negotiating a reconciliation of interests. Also, alternative scenarios are developed and moderated in this context.

  • Economic assessment of automation potentials in rail operation

    Customer: Rail operator

    SCI Verkehr prepares a cost driver analysis for operational processes which is aimed at evaluating automation potentials in the context of feasibility assessment and, thus, at enabling an investment decision regarding the digitalisation of processes.

  • Application for rail sidings subsidies

    Customer: Medium-sized forwarding company

    A medium-sized forwarding company is planning to extend its existing railways siding and to improve it by setting up a handling hall. In order to construct these facilities, the company will seek governmental subsidies from the sidings track support programme of the Federal Republic of Germany. SCI Verkehr was commissioned to take a leading part in supporting the company´s application.

  • Development steel logistics centre

    Customer: Leading railway transport company

    A leading railway company in Europe is planning to build a steel logistics centre in Germany. In a preliminary study, SCI Verkehr will develop key aspects and will identify customers and markets for this centre.

  • LCC-/Feasibility Study of Modern Freight Wagons

    Customer: Federal Ministry

    In the context of a research project, SCI Verkehr analyses the efficiency, i.e. Life Cycle Costs (LCC) of different freight wagons in operation. Therefore, a LCC model is designed which particularly assesses the use of innovative components in an economical manner. Not only investment and operating costs, but the entire freight wagon in operation is assessed. In doing so, the cost/benefit analysis is not restricted to wagon owners, and advantages for operators, shippers and the environment can also be taken into account and evaluated.

  • Market analysis painting raw materials

    Customer: Globally active chemical company

    On behalf of a globally active chemical company, SCI Verkehr analysed the market potential for painting raw materials. The in-depth analysis evaluated the market potential for these materials and provided a basis for further strategic planning.

  • Benchmarking of production techniques and construction materials

    Customer: Supplier of sub-systems

    On behalf of a supplier of sub-systems, SCI Verkehr has benchmarked different production methods and construction materials for a component. Especially the comparison between railway technology and other mobile applications is supposed to illustrate adaptation possibilities of solutions from other areas.

  • Development opportunities for a private siding in the Ruhr valley

    Customer: Industrial company

    An industrial wasteland in the centre of the Ruhr Valley is the subject of plans for new industrial and/or logistical development. With regard to marketing the areas, it has to be decided whether to keep the existing private siding and, if so, in what form. SCI Verkehr has derived a railway-related development concept based on the relevant technical, legal and economical factors. It includes various different strategies for the detailed conversion of the area needed to best meet the requirements of the (still unknown) companies wishing to locate in the area, the sequence of the development stages, costs and revenues from construction and operation and how these would be distributed between involved parties. With the aid of well-founded/backed up documents, SCI Verkehr has been able to accompany the entire decision process regarding the dismantling or keeping of the private siding.

  • Feasibility study ? Alternative drives for buses

    Customer: Transport company in Germany

    In a feasibility study, SCI Verkehr has assessed the advantages and disadvantages of existing bus concepts for alternative drives (hybrid vehicles, plug-in vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles) and the infrastructure required for this. Against the background of this assessment, SCI Verkehr has derived a detailed procurement proposal for buses with alternative drives on behalf of an international transport company.

  • Evaluation of vehicle options to support a local transport tender

    Customer: Railway transport company

    On behalf of a railway transport company, SCI Verkehr compiled an independent assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of various vehicle options in connection with a local transport tender. The realistic consideration of the potential operation of new and/or second-hand vehicles played an important role in this evaluation.

  • Market development in German commuter rail sector

    Customer: International consulting firm

    On behalf of an international consulting firm, SCI Verkehr analysed the development of tenders for commuter rail services in Germany. In addition to an analysis of all known and planned tenders by the contracting authorities, SCI Verkehr also performed an allocation of the commuter rail vehicles currently in operation. An overview of the contract standards of all German contracting authorities was complemented by a differentiation by gross contracts and net contracts.

  • Performance comparison of selected European railway companies

    Customer: European railway company

    As a result of new EU regulations, the European state railways have seen some very extensive reforms since the beginning of the 90s. The objectives of these reforms were to improve transport services and the quality of rail transport and to reduce the strain on public budgets. On behalf of a European state railway, SCI Verkehr analysed the track records and development of selected state railways with regard to these objectives. SCI Verkehr made the comparison drawing upon specific key figures, with the help of which we assessed the objectives listed.

  • Technical/economical assessment of new development and upgrading of a testing centre

    Customer: Public sector

    On behalf of national and regional authorities, SCI Verkehr examined the new development and upgrading of a testing centre for rolling stock and infrastructure components in an EU country. This primarily involved the analysis of future test requirements and test potential as well as transferring this information into a technical/economical analysis to identify the optimum upgrade level for the current volume of funding.

  • Assessment of maintenance capacities in North Rhine-Westphalia

    Customer: Medium-sized transport company and vehicle maintenance provider

    A medium-sized transport company is looking to assess developments in the short-distance passenger transport market and their consequences for maintenance in North Rhine-Westphalia. The following targets are of paramount importance: 1) analysis and assessment of basic conditions of the short-distance passenger transport market; 2) processing market developments in the short-distance passenger transport market; 3) deduction of demand potential for maintenance work. With the available survey, SCI Verkehr GmbH is compiling the basis for these assessments in June 2006.

  • Environmental criteria in short-distance passenger rail transport competition

    Customer: Allianz pro Schiene

    On behalf of Allianz pro Schiene, SCI Verkehr is analysing the importance of ecological-related decision-making criteria within the German competition market for short-distance passenger rail transport. For this, environmental criteria are going to be analysed with regard to completed awards of short-distance passenger rail transport services and their future importance.

  • German urban railway systems

    Customer: Private industry


  • Analysis of cost reduction needs for a rail infrastructure company

    Customer: Maintenance Company

    First, the cost reduction needs of selected rail infrastructure maintenance target markets were closely examined. In addition, recommendations were made for the market entry activities of an infrastructure maintenance service company were derived.

  • Environmental comparison - railway transport

    Customer: Allianz pro Schiene

    Working for Allianz pro Schiene and in co-operation with the IFEU institute in Heidelberg, SCI Verkehr is preparing the evaluation parameters for an "environmental comparison - rail transport" and their transformation to a transparent and (in view of different framework conditions) just measuring system. It is intended for use as tool for assessing railway transport companies and their rail vehicles in terms of environmental compatibility and under a public competition also as a marketing tool in favor of rail-bound transport.

  • Comparison of prices and performance in the maintenance of freight wagons

    Customer: Operator

    Comparison of prices, services and throughput times of selected providers of freight wagon maintenance in Germany.

  • Maintenance location and portfolio assessment

    Customer: maintenance specialist

    Definitions of the optimal location and performance for a vehicle workshop in western North Rhine Westphalia.

  • Plausibility check of an operator?s maintenance strategy with the focus on technical maintenance plants

    Customer: Operator

    Checking the plausibility of a plan to reduce capacity and close sites for heavy maintenance. Preparing recommendations for the next steps with the objective of maintaining as many competitive jobs in the maintenance plants as possible.

  • Comparative line analysis for re-activating the Osthavelländische Eisenbahn (East Havel-Land Railways)

    Customer: Stadt Hennigsdorf (City of Hennigsdorf)

    Analysis of passenger load and potential for a tangential connection Berlin-Spandau-Hennigsdorf

  • Increase in profitability of an industrial and port railway

    Customer: Schwerin Public Works

    Analysis of existing and potential operations in regional passenger and cargo transport. Development and preparation of a business concept for an economically viable NE-Railway.

  • Customs procedures for the container traffic Denmark ? German North Sea harbours ? Overseas newly to be installed

    Customer: Logistic company

    The European liberalisation of railway traffic allows the utilisation of the infrastructure by private railway transportation enterprises also across national borders. However, as opposed to the state railways, the regional railways cannot make use of the simplified common shipping procedure but are subject to the regulating procedures of the common / community shipping procedure. With this report a recommendation was developed for procedural management under the existing conditions.

  • Feasibility study for the creation of a logistics competence center (InLog) in the eastern Ruhr district

    Customer: Hamm Society for the Promotion of Economic Development

    In the context of the eastern Ruhr district?s ?Initiatve Logistik,? the Hamm, Unna and Dortmund Societies for the Promotion of Economic Development are planning a model project for the development of a logistics competence center called ?InLog.? Within this competence center, the service areas of companies interested in settling in the area would be combined. A feasibility study outlined company services in concrete terms and examined inter-community hosting possibilities as and well as potential private sector participation. In addition, the study determined sensible legal- and corporate models, including a cost estimate and funding possibilities. It also proposed a master plan for the realisation of the project.