Strategic business consulting for the railway and logistics industry

SCI Verkehr is a medium-sized, sustainability-oriented consultancy focussing on strategic issues in the international rail and logistics business. We support our business partners in optimising their processes and evaluating their assets. We help to analyse markets and develop sustainable and tailor-made strategies for the future. This includes, among other things: Accompanying M&A activities, realising climate targets, optimising the portfolio or existing processes, and opening up new markets and business areas.

Strategic Management Consultancy Examples

KPI benchmark for leasing company


For a leasing company, SCI Verkehr prepared a benchmark analysis of the major competitors in the market. The basis for the analysis was companies' freely accessible KPIs.

Risk analysis transport authority

Customer: Transport authority local rail transport

A transport authority required a risk analysis concerning various tender models in local rail transport for its partners. SCI Verkehr compared various possibilities regarding their implementation probability and possibilities to reduce the risk for the transport authority.

Innovation Potentials for Freight Wagons

Customer: Component manufacturer

On behalf of a railway component manufacturer, SCI Verkehr analyses future potential for innovation for freight wagons in order to support the customer with regards to strategic positioning of the product portfolio.

Market Analyses Examples

Development of the rail freight transport market in the UK

Customer: Banking institution

On behalf of a financing bank, SCI Verkehr developed an overview of the developments and drivers of the market for rail freight transport in the UK. A special emphasis was placed on the structure and the future development of the transports and the vehicles operated.

Global passenger rail transport markets

Customer: Trade association

For a Spanish trade association SCI Verkehr clearly compiled an overview of the development of passenger rail transport markets worldwide until 2030.

Fleet data in European countries


On behalf of a customer, SCI Verkehr compiled data on various rail vehicle fleets in Europe. In addition to the fleet size per country, the operational area and the age structure were also considered.

Asset Valuations Examples

Assessment of pocket wagons in Europe

Customer: International freight wagon lessor

On behalf of a freight wagon lessor, SCI Verkehr carries out vehicle assessment by means of the income-based DCF method in the context of an internal asset transfer of used pocket wagons in Europe. For this purpose, SCI Verkehr analyses leasing rates and the general supply and demand situation of comparable wagons.

Determining fair value of diesel multiple units

Customer: Railway transport company

In the context of a railway transport company’s refinancing, SCI Verkehr determines the current market value of used diesel multiple units. For this purpose, SCI Verkehr particularly analyses the future secondary market for diesel-powered regional railcars based on its regional and commuter rail transport and rolling stock databases.

Locomotive valuation in the course of refinancing

Customer: Leasing company

In the course of a refinancing, SCI Verkehr valued a portfolio of modern shunting and universal locomotives on behalf of a European lessor. Both a cost-based and an income-based valuation (IVS 2022 valuation standards) were carried out.

Public Consulting Examples

Situational report "Inland waterway crafts in Poland 2002"

Customer: Consulting company

The situation for inland waterway crafts in Poland was researched and analysed for the BMVBW, which was examining the situation of inland waterway crafts in selected European countries. The report describes the waterway network, craft fleets, relevant inland waterway craft companies and transport services in Poland. The profitability of inland waterway crafts is generally represented on the basis of specific individual cases.

Support for the Logistics.NRW Competence Network

Customer: LOG-IT Club e.V.

In April 2018, the Competence Network Logistics.NRW was launched as an innovation and partner network of the state of NRW. The network's activities are strongly focused on the topics of innovation and digitalisation. SCI Verkehr organises all technical and organisational activities for the LOG-IT Club e.V. in close cooperation with the German Association of Transport and Logistics.

Implementation of the Permanent Secretariat for the Pan-European Traffic Corridor IV

Customer: Federal ministry for transport, building and housing of the Federal Republic of Germany (in co-operation with the ministry for economy and medium-sized businesses, energy and transport of the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia)

The permanent secretariat of the steering committee of the Pan-European traffic corridor IV is supporting the steering committee in respect of operating and subject matter preparation and execution of its work. That is to foster the development and utilisation of the traffic corridor by suitable activities, planning and information and to adapt its operational and traffic-related characteristics to the present and future requirements. The secretariat is working closely with the members of the steering committee, of the steering group railways of the corridor and with the facilities and authorities of the participating countries. It is preparing analyses and recommendations for the governments of the countries and the European Commission and explores financing facilities for development projects.

Profitability Analyses Examples

Market entry strategy passenger transport market

Customer: European railway company

On behalf of a railway transport company, SCI Verkehr prepares a growth strategy for the European market. In this context, specific potentials for the company in terms of PSO contracts as well as in open access are assessed with regards to feasibility and economic efficiency. All parts of value creation through transport services are considered. As a result, SCI Verkehr outlined different scenarios of market entry.

Structural measures at a food company

Customer: food / logistics company

SCI Verkehr assists the works council of a large food / logistics company in the assessment and analysis of structural measures by the company and supports the development of alternative (logistics) concepts.

Commercial Due Diligence of bus manufacturer

Customer: Financial investor

On behalf of a financial investor, SCI Verkehr conducted a commercial due diligence on a globally active bus manufacturer. Focus was put on the analysis of future development potential of the core markets as well as the future expected competitive situation of the target. Moreover, a business plan entailing the assumptions of the management regarding the target´s development opportunities was examined.

Process optimisations Examples

Investigation of site closures

Customer: Global player in the food industry

With the objective of realising rationalisation potential in distribution and warehousing, our client planned to consolidate three logistics sites into one central location near to production. In order to achieve this, the existing logistics site had to be restored using construction measures. SCI Verkehr as a neutral expert was involved in the decision-making process with regard to necessary investments and performed a cross checking of assumptions and calculations made. The expert's report focused on the personnel and investments required.

Optimization of logistical and transport costs

Customer: Industrial company

In the context of European production location integration into the worldwide logistics concept, storage and transport processes are adapted; benchmarking of service providers.

Registration of railway companies in Poland

Customer: Industry

Working for an interested company, all corporate and administrative as well as technical preconditions for obtaining registration as railway transport company in Poland were ascertained. The information was analysed in terms of potential for action and risks and provided in the form of a structured guide.