Strategic business consulting for the railway and logistics industry

SCI Verkehr is a medium-sized, sustainability-oriented consultancy focussing on strategic issues in the international rail and logistics business. We support our business partners in optimising their processes and evaluating their assets. We help to analyse markets and develop sustainable and tailor-made strategies for the future. This includes, among other things: Accompanying M&A activities, realising climate targets, optimising the portfolio or existing processes, and opening up new markets and business areas.

Strategic Management Consultancy Examples

Implementation of changes in the organisation of logistics management

Customer: Global player in the beverage industry

A global player in the beverage industry wants to streamline the management structures of its German logistics sites and position them sustainably. After carrying out an implementation project in two pilot regions of Germany, SCI Verkehr made the migration into a new uniform management structure in two other sales regions. The project was carried out in constant coordination with relevant management levels as well as employee representatives.

Condition surveillance systems for rail vehicles

Customer: International electronics specialist

SCI Verkehr analysed different global markets with regard to condition vehicle surveillance systems with a special focus on Europe. The systems within the market as well as the drivers for the introduction of such technologies were analysed based on the market development up to 2014.

Market overview opportunities and risks rail vehicle leasing

Customer: Infrastructure fund

SCI Verkehr evaluated the opportunities and risks in the continental European market for rail vehicle leasing. The objective was to generally test the field for its suitability for infrastructure funds and concrete investment opportunities.

Market Analyses Examples

Competitive analysis of the European market for overhead contact line systems

Customer:  Financial service provider 

SCI Verkehr analyses the competitive landscape of suppliers of overhead contact line products in selected European countries for a financial services provider.

Analysis of the European leasing market

Customer: Rail leasing company

On behalf of a leasing company, SCI Verkehr analysed the European leasing company for multiple units and shows investment potentials. Starting from a good current overview of the passenger and freight transport markets, SCI Verkehr identified the most important country markets. Supply and demand up to 2020 will be analysed for these markets and the potential for leasing companies will be derived.

Market and customer analysis of the European market for rail vehicles

Customer: Rail vehicle manufacturer

For a leading international rail vehicle manufacturer, SCI Verkehr analysed and forecast the current and future market volume for new rail vehicle procurement in Europe and selected other countries. A survey of private vehicle operators as well as important, planned procurement projects complemented the analysis.

Asset Valuations Examples

Asset valuation of a diesel locomotive portfolio

Customer: International financing company

On behalf of an international financing company, SCI Verkehr analysed the current value of a diesel locomotive portfolio using the capitalised earnings method. SCI Verkehr analysed the current and expected lease rates and new vehicle prices, as well as costs for maintenance and general inspection.

Annual fleet assessment Europe and North America

Customer: Refinancing credit institution

On behalf of a refinancing bank, SCI Verkehr assesses a fleet of passenger vehicles, locomotives and freight wagons in Europe and North America. For this purpose, SCI Verkehr applies both the cost-based and the income-based DRC method.

Asset valuation heavy mainline diesel locomotives

Customer: European Locomotive Lessor

SCI Verkehr determines the current value of heavy mainline diesel locomotives in the context of a transaction. The assessment is carried out by means of the cost-based DRC method and by taking into account the current market situation of locomotives.

Public Consulting Examples

Market potentials and prospects for the Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel

Customer: Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT)

On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, SCI Verkehr performed an analysis of the medium-term development of the rail transport market, in order to derive the prospects for the Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel (KWK). For this purpose SCI Verkehr derived the potential market volume for climatic tests in the Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel from the forecast of the future procurement volume of rail vehicles and analysed the competitive situation of other climatic test providers.

LogistikCluster NRW

Customer: LOG-IT Club e.V.

In autumn 2015, LogistikCluster NRW entered a new phase. The cluster's activities will focus even more intensively on the topics of growth, innovation and digitalisation. SCI Verkehr organises all technical and organisational activities for the LOG-IT Club e.V. in close cooperation with the Association of the Transport Industry and Logistics.

Management LOG-IT CLUB

Customer: LOG-IT Club e.V.

Since the foundation of the LOG-IT Club e.V. in November 2002, SCI Verkehr has conducted the business of the association. This includes the support of the association committees, account management, budgetary control and acceptance of new members.

Profitability Analyses Examples

Profitability analysis metro procurement

Customer: Public Transport Authority

SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a public transport authority in the context of a procurement of new urban transport vehicles. For this purpose, SCI Verkehr evaluated the bid documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine the usual market prices of metro vehicles.

Market development in German commuter rail sector

Customer: International consulting firm

On behalf of an international consulting firm, SCI Verkehr analysed the development of tenders for commuter rail services in Germany. In addition to an analysis of all known and planned tenders by the contracting authorities, SCI Verkehr also performed an allocation of the commuter rail vehicles currently in operation. An overview of the contract standards of all German contracting authorities was complemented by a differentiation by gross contracts and net contracts.

Process optimisations Examples

Supporting a terminal operator in its appeal against the rejection of an application for funding

Customer: Terminal operator

An application for funding by a midsized intermodal terminal operator was rejected by the authorisation authority responsible. SCI Verkehr advised the client on all important aspects of the upcoming appeal proceedings and prepared the reasoning for the appeal. Furthermore, in order to develop a strategy with optimum chances of success, SCI Verkehr gathered additional information on the chances of success of the proceedings and on the optimum course of action by means of background discussions in political circles.

Assessment of planned location changes

Customer: Global player in food industry

A leading company in the food industry is planning to close individual, independently operating logistics locations with storages and commissioning in Germany or to re-utilise them as pure cross dock storage. To this end, SCI Verkehr is carrying out a cross check, is providing important advice on potential risks of the planned concept and is suggesting possible amendments to the plan developed by the customer.

Future workshop logistics

Customer: Global player in the food industry

The works committee and logistics management of a global player in the food industry intended to initiate an open dialogue about the future optimisation of logistical processes with external support. By conducting talks with both sides, SCI Verkehr prepared the dialogue, hosted the meetings of a joint working group and provided specialist input with the aim of developing a common perception of the logistical future of the company.