Strategic business consulting for the railway and logistics industry

SCI Verkehr is a medium-sized, sustainability-oriented consultancy focussing on strategic issues in the international rail and logistics business. We support our business partners in optimising their processes and evaluating their assets. We help to analyse markets and develop sustainable and tailor-made strategies for the future. This includes, among other things: Accompanying M&A activities, realising climate targets, optimising the portfolio or existing processes, and opening up new markets and business areas.

Strategic Management Consultancy Examples

Corporate strategy for a component supplier

Customer: Component supplier for rolling stock traction system

In the framework of a corporate strategy, SCI Verkehr develops a roadmap for the successful entry into the road segment with focus on e-mobility. Moreover, SCI analyses the development of the rail business und derives recommendations for the management team.

Portfolio evaluation for refinancing


On behalf of a leading leasing company, SCI Verkehr prepared a comprehensive market and evaluation report on a large European rail vehicle fleet. The fleet, consisting of passenger vehicles, locomotives and freight wagons, was valued using a cash flow-based approach and the valuation methodology and results documented in a comprehensive report.

Due diligence support freight wagon lessor

Customer: Infrastructure Fund

On behalf of a potential investor, SCI Verkehr analysed the market for freight wagon leasing and assesses the demand for new and used freight wagons, market entry barriers, potential targets.

Market Analyses Examples

Conception and implementation of two workshops "Optimisation in Logistics"

Customer: NEW.S

In 2004, SCI Verkehr developed a ?logistics report for the food industry in NRW? for the social partner project Nordrhein-Westfälische ErnährungsWirtschaft e.V. (NEW.S). This includes a number of optimisation approaches and recommendations for action, which reflects the complexity of the demands on logistics in the food industry. Since 2005, NEW.S and SCI Verkehr GmbH have been carrying out a series of workshops entitled ?Optimisation in Logistics? with company representatives in order to intensify the dialogue about these issues in the sector. For two further workshops in autumn 2006, SCI Verkehr is taking over the entire content preparation and management. This includes concept development, detailed planning, acquiring speakers and the presentation of the workshops.

Market information for the maintenance of rail wheels in Germany

Customer: Rail vehicle maintenance company

The study contains information about the number of the rail-mounted vehicles being used in Germany, including the number of axels and maintenance cycles. It also includes an estimate of current price and cost levels for rail wheels in Germany.

Time series on market development of individual vehicle segments

Customer: Supplier group

On behalf of a supplier group, SCI Verkehr analyses the deliveries of rolling stock according to segments in a differentiated manner and semi-annually provides data for its strategic planning. The figures are regionally differentiated and take into account current drivers in the individual markets.

Asset Valuations Examples

Redeployment and Residual Value Analysis of high-speed trains

Customer: Manufacturer for rolling stock

SCI Verkehr has evaluated a fleet of high-speed trains on behalf of a leading rolling stock manufacturer. In addition to the valuation of the trains, redeployment options were also analysed. The Replacement Cost (RC) method based on the IVS 2022 standard was used.

Assessment of dual mode locomotives in Europe

Customer: Leasing company

In the context of a purchase of used dual mode locomotives in Europe, SCI Verkehr assesses the current market value of these vehicles taking into consideration the income-based DCF valuation approach. Assessment includes a comprehensive documentation comprising valuation method, input parameters, market description and valuation results.

Rolling stock assessment: Electric locomotives

Customer: Locomotive lessor

On behalf of a locomotive lessor, SCI Verkehr assesses current and future market value of electric single and multi-system locomotives. Income-based as well as cost-based valuation methods are applied.

Public Consulting Examples

Quality Management of regional and commuter rail transport contracts

Customer: Regional and commuter rail transport authority

On behalf of an authority, SCI Verkehr developed and implemented a new quality management system for regional and commuter rail transport contracts. The customer´s aim was to use this quality ranking for an image-building publication. In the context of modelling, relevant valuation parameters were defined and evaluated according to their significance to passengers. Comparability of different transport operations posed another challenge.

Monitoring regional rail transport tenders Germany

Customer: Transport industry association

On behalf of a transport industry association, SCI Verkehr compiled an overview over all German regional rail transport tenders from 2016 to 2025 which is regularly updated. A particular focus was placed on wage and social standards. The SCI DATABASE, in which all regional rail transport tenders are compiled, was used as a basis for this analysis.

Profitability Analyses Examples

Analysis of cost reduction needs for a rail infrastructure company

Customer: Maintenance Company

First, the cost reduction needs of selected rail infrastructure maintenance target markets were closely examined. In addition, recommendations were made for the market entry activities of an infrastructure maintenance service company were derived.

Plausibility check of an operator?s maintenance strategy with the focus on technical maintenance plants

Customer: Operator

Checking the plausibility of a plan to reduce capacity and close sites for heavy maintenance. Preparing recommendations for the next steps with the objective of maintaining as many competitive jobs in the maintenance plants as possible.

Process optimisations Examples

Supporting the joint works council in site changes

Customer: Global player in the food industry

Against the background of changing markets, production volumes and internal logistical flows, a short-term need for a reaction and restructuring arose for a leading company in the food industry, especially with regard to its site structure. SCI Verkehr GmbH supported the employee representatives as a professional expert in close consultation with management. The individual proposals for change were reviewed conceptually and carried out on site.

Strategic concept freight wagon division

Customer: Railway operator

SCI Verkehr supports a leading railway operator in the conceptual reorganisation of essential parts of rail freight transport. For this purpose, available concepts are reviewed and new approaches to advancing this field of business are developed and evaluated. It is aimed at achieving higher efficiency in this segment by reorganising responsibilities and processes in production and sales.

Optimisation potentials in rail vehicle maintenance

Customer: Private sector

SCI Verkehr is considering possible optimisation potentials in rail vehicle maintenance on behalf of a railway transport company. The focus of the project is on improving the employment of human resources. This is to be achieved by, among other things, increasing the vertical range of manufacturing, "make or buy" decisions and extending the existing range of activities of the staff. In addition, the expansion of the company?s activities is also analysed, for example, through the implementation of a vehicle leasing or rental business and its effects on employment.