SCI Verkehr is a medium-sized, sustainability-oriented consultancy focussing on strategic issues in the international rail and logistics business. We support our business partners in optimising their processes and evaluating their assets. We help to analyse markets and develop sustainable and tailor-made strategies for the future. This includes, among other things: Accompanying M&A activities, realising climate targets, optimising the portfolio or existing processes, and opening up new markets and business areas.
Customer: Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
SCI Verkehr is consulting the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) on the design and implementation of a performance agreement for financing the existing network between BMDV and DB InfraGO (LV InfraGO). This is intended to replace the existing LuFV III. The consultancy services include the conception and development of a service description for the federal government, the review of DB InfraGO\'s bids and support during the negotiations for the LV InfraGO agreement. For this purpose, objectives for the quality of the existing network are defined and the financing requirements for replacement investments and maintenance are derived. The mandate also includes supporting the BMDV in the further development of the financial architecture of infrastructure financing (including the rail financing cycle), the further improvement of the reporting system (including IZB, network status report) and consulting on relevant individual subjects. SCI Verkehr also organises the entire project management. SCI Verkehr is supported by its partners from Switzerland, INFRAS AG, schleyconsult and Peter Füglistaler Public Transport Solutions.
Customer: Freight wagon manufacturer
On behalf of a global leader in the freight wagon sector, SCI Verkehr carried out a strategic potential appraisal for the development of middle-eastern freight wagon markets. For this, investment strategies of freight wagon owners and operators as well as infrastructure managers were appraised. In addition to middle-eastern countries, Turkey and Iran were appraised as well.
Customer: Private equity investor
SCI Verkehr supports a Private Equity Investor in acquiring a component manufacturer for rolling stock. In the context of the due diligence process, main focus of SCI Verkehr´ s task, by taking into consideration crucial development trends in the market and with regards to competitors, is the analysis of current and future market performance of the company to be acquired. The plausibility of the seller´s assumptions is critically reviewed by means of SCI Verkehr´ s own market assessment. Furthermore, a strategic assessment of opportunities and risks for the buyer is given.
Customer: Railway industry supplier
SCI Verkehr investigated the market acceptance and market potential of a possible product innovation for two railway supply companies, which were planning a joint investment in developing high-quality components. As well as the additional potential achievable from the production innovation, the analysis took into consideration the risk of sunk costs as a result of uncertainty about the further market development and market success of the product.
Customer: Asian component manufacturer
On behalf of an Asian manufacturer, SCI Verkehr analyses the competitive landscape of the global market for rolling stock door systems.
Customer: Leasing companies
SCI Verkehr supported an association consisting of leasing companies in presenting the European rolling stock leasing market. Using the SCI database, SCI Verkehr provided a market overview of the leasing fleets currently used in passenger and freight transport.
Customer: Leasing company
On behalf of a leasing company, SCI Verkehr evaluated the market environment for dual-mode locomotives. Both flexible application possibilities due to the dual-mode drive (electric or diesel engine) and the respective application advantages of four and six-axle locomotives were examined in more detail. Both a cost-based and an income-based valuation following international standards completed the analysis.
Customer: European locomotive lessor
SCI Verkehr has evaluated the fleet of a leading European locomotive leasing company in Central and Eastern Europe according to the income-based DCF approach and the cost-based RC approach. In addition to determining the market values of the assets, SCI Verkehr also analysed the expected future market development and the development of leasing rates.
Customer: Financier
SCI Verkehr supports a financier in the bidding process for vehicle financing through expert discussions on e-locomotives. The focus is on market values, supply and demand development and deployment risks.
Customer: Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Mittelstand, Energie und Verkehr des Landes NRW (The Ministry for Economy and Small Business, Energy and Traffic of State North Rhine-Westphalia)
Technical preparation of a delegation journey of the Prime Minister of the State of North Rhine-Westphallia, Herr Wolfgang Clement, to Serbia. For this purpose information was collected concerning the priorities on the side of Serbia for the reconstruction of the infrastructure, sources and conditions of financing and also concerning the interests of the NRW economical community in reconstruction in Serbia.
Customer: Public Transport Authority
SCI Verkehr analysed the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a transport authority as part of a procurement project for new e-buses. To this end, SCI Verkehr evaluated the tender documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine standard market prices for e-buses.
Customer: LOG-IT Club e.V.
Since the foundation of the LOG-IT Club e.V. in November 2002, SCI Verkehr has conducted the business of the association. This includes the support of the association committees, account management, budgetary control and acceptance of new members.
Customer: Financial investor
On behalf of an investor, SCI Verkehr is analysing the market potential for (cross-border) intercity connections in Europe. In addition to evaluating routes with regard to a possible shift of short-haul flights to rail, SCI Verkehr also compares possible vehicle concepts with regard to their investment costs and performance parameters.
Customer: Hamm Society for the Promotion of Economic Development
In the context of the eastern Ruhr district?s ?Initiatve Logistik,? the Hamm, Unna and Dortmund Societies for the Promotion of Economic Development are planning a model project for the development of a logistics competence center called ?InLog.? Within this competence center, the service areas of companies interested in settling in the area would be combined. A feasibility study outlined company services in concrete terms and examined inter-community hosting possibilities as and well as potential private sector participation. In addition, the study determined sensible legal- and corporate models, including a cost estimate and funding possibilities. It also proposed a master plan for the realisation of the project.
Customer: Transport authority
SCI Verkehr evaluated the economic feasibility of the selected bids for a transport authority in the context of a procurement of new light rail vehicles (LRV). To this end, SCI Verkehr evaluated the tender documents and carried out a price benchmark to determine market prices for LRV.
Customer: European rail freight operator
SCI Verkehr is supporting a leading European freight transport company in the reorganisation of its corporate strategy. In the process, all relevant internal and external factors for all forms of production in rail freight transport are examined and subjected to a strategic review. The aim is to redesign selected areas of the company in order to achieve greater economic efficiency and resilience.
Customer: Railway company
SCI Verkehr supported the railway company in the strategic and operational preparation of a bid for transport services in northern Germany. The objective was to submit an attractive, innovative and reasonably priced bid for rail services. SCI Verkehr performed the conceptual and technical planning, the editorial preparation and operational and organisational support.
Customer: Global player in the food industry
When centralising three workshops into one new site, our client had not implemented an active change management strategy. The processes and areas of work taken over from the old locations led to a significant drop in output at the new site. First of all, SCI Verkehr analysed and documented the existing workflows in a task force including management and the works council. At the same time, the team from SCI Verkehr identified and initiated necessary changes and oversaw the implementation on site. The aim of the project was to introduce staff to the new conditions in order to establish the adapted working areas and processes for the long term.